Hooking up a gas & smoke (MQ-2) sensor

So, as I have 4 other MQ-2 sensors and I can be quite impatient and it's late. I plugged in the setup as described.

Nothing blew up so I guess that's a good sign.

I tried using the following very simplistic code

  MQ-2 Sensor connected to Arduino Uno
  Both A pins and left H pin connected to 5V out
  Right H pin connected to GND
  Both B pins conncted to 22k ohms resistor and A0

int iSensorValue = 0;

void setup() {

void loop() {
  // Read value on A0
  iSensorValue = analogRead(A0);
  // Display value
  Serial.print(F("MQ-2 Sensor Value = "));
  // Loop 10 times per second

I get a value ranging from 1019 to 1022 every 1/10 of a second.

Unfortunately even when I light a match directly under the sensor, blow it out, cup my hand over it and engulf the sensor in smoke those values never change to anything lower or different.

I'm thinking that they should be lower at the start, "at ease" as it were, and go higher when the sensor comes in contact with smoke. But, as I said, the standard values it shows, upon startup, continually range from 1019 to 1022 which seems to me to be basically at the maximum ceiling of 1023...

I'm hoping that means I have just screwed up something in the wiring somewhere... but not enough to fry the sensor?