Several motors simultaneously - what is the best strategy?

I understand how the standard servo library works. I wish I could make a video tonight to show you. It works just how you described. Each step is 70ms time by default. My function tells the servo/stepper how 1/far to move each 70ms. This is the 1/speed also. It is easy to convert the standard servo library commands to my format using Excel. Here is an example of the array (script) for servos.


This tells the servo to move at speed (distance too!) - 1/100 for 140ms, then 1/200 for 140ms, then 1/100 for 70ms.

In the case of a stepper in uses the "speed" as the delay between steps. It's actually 1/speed.
The observed output appears exactly the same for a servo or stepper, you can't tell the difference.
Unless you try to move the servo too fast.