Keep weapons off Arduino forum and website

Interesting that the problem is just guns... Archery bows and crowwbows are just as deadly, and much quieter....

Take any gun and place it on a table. No-one will ever get hurt by it. Place it in a human hand and anything becomes possible.

The problem is that we choose to blame objects for our sinful condition. Human beings do not have to be taught to do evil. We are selfish and cruel from birth and need to be taught to be otherwise. The problem in our culture in not guns/knives/rocks/baseball bats, but rather our human nature and instinct to use them for evil. Take away guns and we will develop much more hideous ways to maim, kill and destroy. This technology we all use every day is capable of being used for the planning of much evil and perversion. Should we collect and destroy computers because the evil and perverts use it for evil means? And there are probably more perverts using the internet for evil than their are peole taking guns and using them for evil.

It is kind of like the outrage that was expressed over the death of Trayvon Martin. How many young black men are killed in Chicago and Detroit every week and no-one makes a sound about it. But one young man gets killed by a neighborhood watch person and the country is in flames. It would appear the young black men are supposed to be able to kill young black men. No on makes any noise about that! But one man who is caucasian kills a black man and it couldn't possible be self defense. Where is the outrage over all the other young black men killed every week?

Where is the outrage over the number of people killed by clubs and baseball bats. Where is the outrage over people killed by knives? Where is the outrage over people killed by drunk drivers?