How can I speed up the ADC?

Why do you feel you need to speed up the ADC?
Isn't getting on for 10000 conversions a second fast enough? (That's one conversion every 2/10th of a mm)

Now, it's just a simple black line so I don't need 10 bits of accuracy.

If it is a simple black line, why do you need any more than one bit?

I want to speed up the ADC, because it takes me about a milisecond to sample my entire sensor array. And I'm aiming for a cylce time of 4 ms (probably less) and I need every µs of that for the PID algorithm. That 4 ms cycle time results in sampling every cm(we have to be able to take turns with a 10 cm radius). I'll probably have to pick a faster µc than the 328, but I want to try if I can stretch it...

And I do need more than a single bit, because I want to be able to read a certain degree of grey, to interpolate the position of the line between 2 sensors.