
Uses LED & piezo buzzer to alarm with PIR is tripped.
sketch verified. Uploaded. error message: avrdude: stk500_getsync () : not in sync : resp=0x00.
LED flashes continuously, buzzer = no buzz.

Supposed to be easy project for daughter's science class.

Suggestions, please.

You can't upload this sketch, or any sketch?

There to things that cause that error one the reset didn't happen and two you didn't set the com port.

If it's a uno I would make sure I had the com port set right.

First: make sure you can upload GOBP (The Good Old Blink Program) On top menu go:


Upload. If same error, CHECK

  • Tools>Board (Right board?/)
  • Tools> Serial Port (Right port??) IF Serial Port grayed out, your board / USB / ?? is not working.

Let us know what's happening...

This may help: http://arduino-info.wikispaces.com/GettingStarted-Software

Thanks for the suggestions. Karma3 nailed it. I didn't have the com port set correctly.