Windows/Linux/Mac Eclipse plugin to compile and upload arduino sketches

Hello Jantje, Thank you for your answers!
I will test your suggestions to solve my little problems.

Q: 1.) Is there a possibility to configure the name of the automatically generated library f.e. "Arduino_Mega_2560_or_Mega_ADK" --> I would prefer the name "000b_ArduinoMega2560_Core". This will force the libraries to be listed on first position, before all other projects.
A: The only option I can think of is to download the code and do the mod yourself.

Now I have modified a little bit the file "Boards.txt" (/usr/share/arduino/hardware/arduino/) which is used to generate the names. Sketch was compilable, downloadable and seems to work.

I would advice to go to V2. However this functionality relies on CDT 1.8.1 which needs Juno.

Yes, that is an problem actually for gentoo users - unfortunately there is no official release for eclipse Juno. Also the Indigo, I'm using, is from an overlay (seden) but quite stable. For the future do you plan to separate the V1 and V2 update site or is this already the case? If yes, how to use it?

The problem you mention is a Linux only issue and has recently been discussed on the developers list.

Please can you post an link to follow this discussion.

Is your objection against the word dll or the lack of rxtx.

The word 'dll' is the name for the file extension/suffix of the library used in windows environment (Dynamic Link Library?). Linux and possible Mac users don't know about that (linux extensions are f.e. ".a", ".so" for libraries).

Even adding a picaxe donation button will have to wait.

Oh sorry, this was only a joke. I hope your answer also.

Help is welcome.

HOW can I help you? Please give me some notes.

Best regards, Thomas