BlueCopter - Arduino Quadcopter

sorry for not making myself clear! Look, I can tell you from afar you'd make a great teacher! it is pasciente and can explain things difficult even for those who do not know much! Parabens! But back ... Steps 3 and 5 of PID tuning you repeated twice in the topic seems a repeat! In step 5 you do not put values ​​... Type a percentage% but increase and decrease step ... How to change the P, as in 1, you can no longer get away with the term P?

Basel would not be appropriate to change the PID tab there writing :

// PIDpitch.ChangeParameters((float)kp/1000.0,(float)ki/1000.0,(float)kd/1000.0,PITCH_PID_MIN,PITCH_PID_MAX);

There Degug_Angle write :
Serial.print ( " Kp " ) ;
Serial.print ( (float ) kp/1000.0 ) ;
Serial.print ( '\ t ' ) ;
Serial.print ( " Ki " ) ;
Serial.print ( (float ) ki/1000.0 ) ;
Serial.print ( '\ t ' ) ;
Serial.print ( " KD " ) ;
Serial.println ( (float ) kd/1000.0 ) ;
And Debug_Angle enabled to view real-time adjustment ?

For work with only one degree of freedom , so I need only two opposite motors ! hence the value found is for the two angles of pitch and roll !

Another thing is how will I be able to adjust PID Yaw , it is not necessary that the quad is suspended by a thread ? pos is the movement of yaw direction!