Motor Controller with ATMega168

Thank you again for all your helpful information. I have a lot of reading / watching to do, a decision to make, and another part to order.

This past summer, I wanted to do a small html / css project, and while I had messed around with both for years, it was usually with the crutch of an editor. I wanted to write the code for myself using a text editor. With the vast amount of information, examples, and tutorials on the web, it was not all that difficult to do, but it was time consuming. In the process, I learned...about divs, about connecting css to html, and about code. I'm hooked. This is starting the same way that did, so you were speaking right to me when you suggested I might want to move on to another project when this one is completed. So, one of the things I want to do is to see what can be done.