My Servo won't move [SOLVED]

Au contraire, mon ami. I have explained exactly where the data is coming from. It originates in an android phone, it is sent by a python script to the JY-MCU bluetooth module connected to the Serial1 input of the Arduino Mega 2560. The data received by the bluetooth chip is sent to the arduino, fed into a character array until the program hits the end character 'E', then it converts the character array to a floating point number, maps it to the servo's range of 0 to 179, and sends it to the servo via myservo.write(sVal). The data is sent to the computer via Serial both before and after mapping and appears to be correct. Another possibly related issue is that I have the program set up to go to the thousandths place on the float value, but I appear to only be getting hundredths. For a specific example, refer to my second post.