Questions on making a minimal/custom Arduino circuit @ 3.3v/8Mhz?

The last post in the other thread, you say SD PIN >>> Arduino
DAT2(9) >>> NOT USED
CD/CS (1) >>> D10
CMD/DI(2) >>> D11
VSS1/GND(3) >>> GND rail
VDD/V++(4) >>> +3.3v rail
CLK/SCK(5) >>> D12
VSS2/GND(6) >>> GND rail
DAT0/DO(7) >>> D13

These are not the correct pins for SPI:
D13 - SCK
D12 - MISO
D11 - MOSI
D10 - SS

What is really connected?
Are you really running from coin cell? May not have enoughcurrent oomph for the SD card.