Looking for opinions on smart phones, what to get.

The #$%*ing forum software ate my long detailed reply because my session timed out while I was writing. Obviously, the SMF developers thinks it's A Bad Idea (tm) to actually take the time to think about what you're writing. :0

The most crucial point that got deleted was to check on the particular features of the phone that are most important to you: it's very common for a "top-rated" phone to have one or more functions that are lame (like a camera with a low pixel count, poor autofocus, or weak/missing flash). I don't care that my Samsung's camera makes a Brownie look like a Hasselblad, because I always carry a decent-quality digicam with me. You might find that that makes it "useless" because you insist your camera be able to document your trip to the Louvre.