Due GUI (Graphical user interface) - [now community project]

New additions for today so far:

General functions:

String displayNumFormat(int Num,int len); {returns string of integer limited to length len - used by setObjectTime so far}
void    setObjectTime(int objectNumber,int hh, int mm, int ss);  {sets the string value of the object specific as per the time specified.}
void    setObjectDate(int objectNumber,int yyyy, int month, int day, bool dateNorm, bool dateFour);  {sets the string value of the object specific as per the date specified.  Also allows reversed date format if dateNorm is false uses mm/dd/yyyy.  dateFour sets yy or yyyy}

Objects (in progress):

int     addAnalogueClock(word x,word y,long colour,long textcolour,String top,int xo,int yo,byte timeoptions, int font,bool visible);
void    drawAnalogueClock(int objectNumber);

With the setObjectDate and setObjectTime functions there is no need for a digital clock object anymore.