Read & Write Serial COM Port File to a Folder on PC

The solution you describe seems a bit contrived to me (redirecting log messages to a text file and then posting the text file to a web server). If you want to log the events, it would IMO be more sensible to log them as they occur.

Anyway, the writing-to-local-text-file could be done by redirecting all the serial output to a text file using any of the common serial clients such as PuTTY or RealTerm. If you're on Windows, you could also use GoBetwino to read and write to text files and execute arbitrary commands. Whatever platform you're on, you can write your own PC application to receive messages from the serial port and log them however you want. (Writing them directly to a database would IMO be the most sensible starting point.)

how should i write data directly to database?? i tried searching that but i didnt got any results so decided to post a text and opening that text file on server..
however i have thought to use ethernet shield and send data directly to server as i get from my Pn532