Ethernet shield server test (new code Uno ok)

No those strings are in global SRAM all the time, all of them.

Try my library with this code, you may be surprised.

char buff[ 10 ];
BufferedPrinter b( client, buff, 10 );

b.print( F("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: ") );
// send Content-Type
if(strcmp(fileType,"HTM") == 0) b.print( F("text/html\r\n") );
else if(strcmp(fileType,"PHP") == 0) b.print( F("text/html\r\n") );
else if(strcmp(fileType,"TXT") == 0) b.print( F("text/plain\r\n") );
else if(strcmp(fileType,"CSS") == 0) b.print( F("text/css\r\n") );
else if(strcmp(fileType,"GIF") == 0) b.print( F("image/gif\r\n") );
else if(strcmp(fileType,"JPG") == 0) b.print( F("image/jpeg\r\n") );
else if(strcmp(fileType,"JS") == 0) b.print( F("application/javascript\r\n") );
else if(strcmp(fileType,"ICO") == 0) b.print( F("image/x-icon\r\n") );
else if(strcmp(fileType,"PNG") == 0) b.print( F("image/png\r\n") );
else if(strcmp(fileType,"PDF") == 0) b.print( F("application/pdf\r\n") );
else if(strcmp(fileType,"ZIP") == 0) b.print( F("application/zip\r\n") );
else b.print( F("text/plain\r\n") );