FIXED: Arduino 1.0 Issues with wiring.h RotaryEncoderAcelleration.h

I have a project that is nearly finished and is making use of several libraries one of which is RotaryEncoderAcelleration.h (Arduino Playground - RotaryEncoderAcceleration). This library calls routines wiring.h, tickspersecond.h.....

Anyway the program will not compile under Arduino 1.0

I get the following error messages:

In file included from M_Computer.cpp:2:
/Users/darren/Documents/Arduino/libraries/RotaryEncoderAcceleration/Button.h:6:20: error: wiring.h: No such file or directory
In file included from M_Computer.cpp:7:
/Users/darren/Documents/Arduino/libraries/LiquidCrystal/LiquidCrystal.h:82: error: conflicting return type specified for 'virtual void LiquidCrystal::write(uint8_t)'
/Applications/ error: overriding 'virtual size_t Print::write(uint8_t)'

I'm not really sure where to start but the first error is due to RotaryEncoderAccelerator calling button.h which calls wiring.h

There appears to be an issue with the Liquid Crystal library and Print.h too

Some pointers on what to do would be very helpful if anybody can possibly help

Do I need to replace the liquid crystal library with a newer version?

Many thanks

I've deleted the LiquidCrystal folder from documents::Arduino::libraries and replaced it for the one inside the Arduino 1.0 folder and now the error I get is:

In file included from M_Computer.cpp:2:
/Users/darren/Documents/Arduino/libraries/RotaryEncoderAcceleration/Button.h:6:20: error: wiring.h: No such file or directory

So just one error now, it would appear that the library ROTARYENCODERACCELERATION is not arduino v1.0 compatible yet :frowning:

OK, this is now sorted :slight_smile:

To fix RotaryEncoderAcelleration library so it works with Arduino 1.0 all you need to do is download the library and open each ".h" file then:


#include <wiring.h>


#include <Arduino.h>

That's it, my package now compiles :slight_smile:

Hola cowasaki.

Te agradezco tu aporte, me ha servido para solucionar los fallos que se producen demasiado habitualmente en los IDE de Arduino, pues, no anden muy finos, cada nueva versión aporta una innumerable falta de atención ya que no se pueden cargar bocetos que siempre han funcionado y en los últimos años, sea por Windows o por librerías o cualquier otra causa, presentan incompatibilidades.
Otro aporte, para el error:

WProgram.h: No such file or directory
 #include "WProgram.h"

Al parecer hay que modificar las librerías que llevan "WProgram.h" con el siguiente código.

#if defined(ARDUINO) && ARDUINO >= 100
  #include "Arduino.h"
  #include "WProgram.h"
#include <Wire.h>
#include "wm_crypto.h"

Ya podrían dar aviso sobre nuevas posibilidades de fallos. Pero vamos a seguir y que no vayan las cosas a peor.