ArDeci -> MAX7219 (x3) -> RGB 8x8 LED Matrix prob.

I have tried with different 7219IC, same result found that means my IC should be working fine.

Still all the LED light up in two cases:

  1. I just have 3 digital pins and GND connect with Arduino board
    or 2) GND and 3V / 5V are connected with Arduino with the IC

anyone experience this?

o I have successfully wired up the LED finally, the reason for not working because I have just put the rows <-> map to SEG of IC instead. Now is working fine. Here is my testing video: LED matrix test on Vimeo

One more question is the IC is getting hot, is it normal? and how to avoid this? Currently I have put a 10m capacitor between the GND and V++.

Happy to hear that.

What IC is getting hot? The MAX72xx?
If so what value of Iset are you using?

Problem solved now too :slight_smile: thanks alot!!