Maxim 7219 led matrix help

Well I now know what is was....
I individually checked each chip and each respective matrix worked. So I assumed all the chips were good. But what I failed to check was two together to make sure each Din and Dout worked. So the problem was the third Dout was bad in the chip. That's why the last two did not work. So it was a bad chip. It worked by itself but could not pass the signals on down the line.

Thanks everyone for your help.

Wow, I've never seen that occur before. Where did you get them?

It worked by itself but could not pass the signals on down the line.

Just rearrange that chip to be the last one in the chain.

Thinking outside the box 8)

Crossroads, what this box 8)

I am not sure if we can mention company names on here but I got these from a very large electronics distributor. And ironically I saw them much cheaper from other less known places but I was afraid they may be low quality imitations.

Rettib - Have a look at this. People mention company names all the time on the forum its OK. I have used plenty of this cheap knock-off chips in LED projects and had no problems with quality