P=V*I applied on DC resistor circuits.

Also a square law is not exponential

Yes it is. The exponent is 2.


Also a square law is not exponential

Yes it is. The exponent is 2.

My memory is getting old, but if I remember correctly, exponential means ax not xa, so x2 is not exponential. If exponential simply meant having an exponent, xa, then x1 or even x0 would be exponential.

Yeah, I shouldn't have used a linear regulator for the example as the dissipation increase is linear as the input voltage increases. I picked it without thinking it thru I suppose. It's such a common occurrence for beginners to find that the regulator seems to suddenly get hot out of the blue. More often it is from increasing current by adding things like LEDs or other loads to the circuit as they build it out. Still, changing the input voltage often results in the same type of surprise even if it's not exponential in that case.

Somebody better tell these guys that a square law is not exponential: