Using Arduino
IDE 1.x For problems with the Arduino IDE (integrated development environment). NOT for problems with your project. Project Guidance Advice on general approaches or feasibility Networking, Protocols, and Devices I2C, SPI, XBee, GPS, etc. Programming Questions Understanding the language, error messages, etc. Uncategorized DO NOT USE! Please select the appropriate category for your topic. General Electronics Resistors, capacitors, breadboards, soldering, etc. Motors, Mechanics, Power and CNC Controlling big heavy things that move, need high voltages, high current, or both. Also Arduino CNC, GRBL, G-CODE related issues. Introductory Tutorials Tutorials for new people on the forum. LEDs and Multiplexing Controlling lots of inputs and outputs Storage Using Arduino to interface SD cards, floppy drives, hard drives, EEPROMs, etc Avrdude, stk500, Bootloader issues Problems related to uploading your compiled sketches Interfacing w/ Software on the Computer Firmata, Processing, Max/MSP, PureData, VVVV, etc. Audio Sound processing and generation, using WAV and MP3 players, using MIDI Displays LCDs, OLEDs, PAL, NTSC, etc. Sensors sensors, analog inputs, filtering, etc. Microcontrollers Standalone or alternative microcontrollers, in-system programming, bootloaders, etc.