
hi im new to arduino but i do know some electronics im planning to make a object avoiding robot to start but wish to build upgrades to it i.e. add new sensors in the future so i was thinking of using arduino mega instead of the uno so how would i go about working out the pins i would need to use thank you

how would i go about working out the pins i would need to use

Well, first, you decide what you need to use them for.

To run 2 motors and sensors to start off I thought of using the mega dur to more memory and input and outputs

To run 2 motors and sensors to start off I thought of using the mega dur to more memory and input and outputs

So, rather than using 6 of the 20 pins and 5% of the code space, you'll use 6 of the 54 pins and 1% of the code space? Well, OK.