[Solved] Clone arduino Mega 2560 - no serial port DCcduino Mega 2560

Had a problem on OS X Yosemite with CH340G chip. Installed the official driver first - http://www.wch.cn/downloads.php?name=pro&proid=178. This didn't work, so I tried to manually load the installed kext and noticed this error in the console:

20/10/2014 00:43:28.492 com.apple.kextd[19]: ERROR: invalid signature for wch.usb.usb, will not load

After a big of googling found this article - http://www.cindori.org/enabling-trim-on-os-x-yosemite/

Just to summarise. On Yosemite:

  1. install the driver
  2. Run this:
sudo nvram boot-args="kext-dev-mode=1"
  1. Restart