The Arduino Community needs a statement as to just where Arduino is heading


It's a bit like wanting to preserve the view from your bedroom window. The ONLY way to guarantee it is to buy all the property that you want to look at. Similarly, if you want to continue using component X then buy a truckload of them now.


Concerning the Yun, I will make do with the number i have. I am downgrading them away from anything Linino.
The Yun Shield is probably a discontinued product. It is no longer listed on the Arduino USA, Asia & Oceania Store.

The Raspberry Pi Zero is a toy, not for serious use.

The Raspberry Pi Compute module is not that bad, I have several all ready. Adding the necessary GPIO headers is the challenge.

I have looked at the banana-pi, stay away from that board. it is a scam.
I have looked at the orange-pi, not to bad just not a Raspberry PI.
I am waiting for the Raspberry Pi Version 4.

Concerning the neighborhood view.

I am surrounded by hundreds of acres of farmland. The fields are down now and I am looking a brown/tan stubble. Soon they will be plowed and i will be looking at black dirt till next spring. I pray for snow to cover the ground. These grey rainy damp days take a toll on me. trying to navigate a wheelchair in this weather is a challenge, especially when the hands are cold and damp. I really need an electric wheelchair but those are $$$$.