Grub screw too long?

The grub screw found in C23 is 5mm long, that means that the motor can't turn when the brass nut has been attached even though I have made sure that the screw is up against the flat side of the motor axle.

Am I doing something wrong or is the screw too long?

My printer also included a long screw and I had to replace it by a shorter one (I took it from a potenciometer). You can try to cut it...




The correct length of the grub screw should be 4mm

If you didn't get one, I'll make sure one is sent to you.

I ended up cutting the screw with a Dremel, that worked fine.

Then I forgot all about my post here, sorry. Thanks for the replies.

Later I found that bag C9 contained many short grub screws, I was only looking in bag C23 as that was the one with all the other parts for the step I was working on.

Kim R. T. Hansen

Ok. Good to know.
