problem with the library

#include <Servo.h>

struct xyzPos{ //a struct to hold multple returned arguments for the 3D position
float x;
float y;
float z;

struct xyzPos currentPos; //current location of tip of arm
struct xyzPos desiredPos; //desired location of tip of arm

void servoControl (int thePos, int theSpeed, Servo theServo);
struct xyzPos kinematics(float baseAng, float shoulderAng, float wristAng);

void loop()

struct xyzPos kinematics(float baseAng, float shoulderAng, float wristAng)

Serial.println("in kinematics");

struct xyzPos POS;
float baseHeight = 5;
float upperArm = 6;
float foreArm = 5; // left at 0 since current arm does not have wriist
double gripper = 6;

baseAng = (baseAng * PI /180);
shoulderAng = (shoulderAng * PI /180);
wristAng = (wristAng * PI /180);

POS.x = (upperArmcos(baseAng)cos(shoulderAng)) + (cos(baseAng)(foreArmcos(shoulderAng+wristAng)) );
POS.y = baseHeight + (upperArmsin(shoulderAng)) + (foreArmsin(shoulderAng+wristAng)) ;
POS.z = (upperArm (-sin(baseAng))(cos(shoulderAng))) - (sin(baseAng) * ( (foreArm*cos(shoulderAng+wristAng)) ));


in this code is there any missing library???

Please read and follow the directions in the "How to use this forum" post.

There's certainly a missing setup(). I don't know about missing libraries. What errors do you get.
