Arduino Lightsaber

As a thank you to long-time DIYino and Arduino Saber supporters, I have made a free version of the STREAM system available for users of DIYino Prime V1 and Home-brew equivalents (Nano + DFPlayer + MPU6050). (Stardust V3 versions are coming soon.) Both RGB in-hilt LEDs and Pixel blade versions are available to try.

This is a work-in-progress, but has passed alpha testing.

You can download for free here:

Presently all features are enabled and working except multi-font support.

A free sound font and all the files you'll need for your SD card are part of the download (see SDCard directory). A special version of my sound font converter tool is also included in the download. This tool can convert any Plecter font to STREAM format. (See SoundConverter directory.) The sound font converter tool's presets are already set to what STREAM expects (correct number of swings, clashes, etc.), so you should not have to touch them. Just select your Plecter font folder, a destination folder to put the converted files, and then convert. Easy!

Note to Mac users: All development and testing was done on Windows 10. The GUI is java-based so in theory it should work on Mac, however the included firmware loader will probably not work. For now Windows 10 is the only officially supported operating system.