PIN setup for vs1053 / ESP32 / MD_MIDIFile

Thank you for your response Marco.

I've unfortunately been unable to track down a spec sheet for the vs1053 board -

Late reply because I've been away treble checking I'm not making any obvious silly mistakes with wiring and config. Still no success - so here is what i am up to...

- Connect Boards with...
- * VS1053 - ESP32**

  • CS - D22*
  • MISO - D19*
  • SI - D23*
  • SCK - D18*
  • XCS - D32*
  • XRESET - EN*
  • XDCS - D33*
  • DREQ - D35*
  • 5V - 5v*
  • GND- GND*
    - Plug headphones into speaker jack output from the VS1053 board
    - Load files on SD card. Confirm SD card works by successfully running SdFat examples
    - IN SdInfo.h change this value from 50 to 25, any higher gives error of 'SD init fail!'
    - * #define SPI_FULL_SPEED SD_SCK_MHZ(25)
    - In MD_MIDIFile_Play change SD to match CS pin
    - * #define SD_SELECT 22

    - Compile to MD_MIDIFile_Play to ESP32.
    - ---RESTART ESP32---
    Serial Monitor shows data flowing as I would expect eg...
    File: ELISE.MID
    2079 M T1: Ch 1 Data C0 0
    2079 M T1: Ch 1 Data B0 7 64
    2079 M T1: Ch 1 Data B0 A 40
    2080 M T1: Ch 1 Data B0 5B 7F
    Audio output through the headphones gives hisses, clicks and pops in a manner that don't quite sound random (see attached audio) and certainly don't sound like the sweet synthesized MIDI piano i was hoping for.
    I tried a replacement vs1053 board just incase this one was faulty - no change.
    I tried using a different pin for CS - no change
    If anyone has a known working hardware setup to share then i'd love to hear about it, very happy to switch hardware. I'm chomping at the bit to build my project once these initial hardware issues are out of the way..
    vs1053 Audio (278 KB)