PIN setup for vs1053 / ESP32 / MD_MIDIFile

So what connections did you use and what library for the ESP32 with the VS1053 please?

I'm still struggling to get mine up and running with either the SFEMP3 or the Adafruit libraries.

I just want to play MP3s off the SDCard for the minute.

Adafruit VS1053 Simple Test Couldn't find VS1053, do you have the right pins defined?

I amended SFEMP3ShieldConfig.h to include the ESP32 pin defs

#define ESP32 1 // set to 1 if using the ESP32 with Music Shield

#elif (ESP32 == 1)

#define MP3_XDCS 33
#define MP3_RESET 3 //EN
//SCK D18 Green
//MISO D19 Yellow
#define MP3_XCS 32 //D32
#define MP3_DREQ 35 //D35
//MOSI D23 Orange

#define SD_SEL 5 //select pin for SD card usual is GPIO5

//HERE Commented out for ESP32 and using POLLED istead

//F:\Arduino Sketches 1\libraries\SFEMP3Shield\SFEMP3Snhield.cpp:2092:23: error: 'MP3_DREQINT' was not declared in this scope



But still no joy.

Helpful vid
6 mins
Tech Note 064 - ESP32 How to Connect SPI Devices and Get Them Working