NewPing Library: HC-SR04, SRF05, SRF06, DYP-ME007, Parallax PING))) - v1.7


I would like to use 12 x HC-SR04 with an I/O multiplexer MCP23017 (or other) and NewPing library.
Is it possible ?
If yes, how do we configure the newping trigger et echo of the library?
If not, what solution to use knowing that I do not have enough I/O port?

Thank you in advance for your information

First, you only need 12 pins to control 12 HC-SR04 sensors using NewPing. So, using an I/O multiplexer may not even be required. Secondly, you can't use NewPing with an I/O multiplexer as it uses direct port register calls. If you don't have 12 available pins to control 12 sensors, you'll either need to use a Adruino Mega or develop your own custom sensor library or sketch to interface with your I/O multiplexer.
