Genuino Brand


Your online persona gives off a very similar one to another user who had almost identical views "Adafruit" Are you two linked ? eg sock puppet etc. ? (honest question BTW)

There is only one of me. I have no idea who "Adafruit" maybe on this forums. I would assume that it would be someone associated with the adafruit web site and business.

Arduino still has not hit the bottom yet. Many retail stores just no longer carry Arduino products. Radio Shack retail store are basically gone. The retail stores sell Arduino clones and knockoffs. retail stores are not much better. Most are either Grove or SeeedStudio. I do have one Robotale board which is a poor Chinese clone.

I have been trying for several weeks to get an answer concerning the CTC-101 kit.
Thunderous silence is the response.

Intel has all but left the Arduino community. The Arduino 101 is End-of-Life. Edison and Galileo never had much of a following.

The Arduino Yun & Tian are both tainted boards given the involvement of Doghunter and Linino.
Those two board names should be killed off as soon as possible.

Replace with the Arduino Phoenix.

The recovery of Arduino is going to take a long long time.