How to achieve continuous rotation on a bipolar stepper motor.

Hi all, i'm using this codes for the continuous rotation of stepper motor but its not working,anyone who can help me with this? i'm using L297 and L298 stepper motor driver. I'm new in arduino, i badly need you help
const int ForwardLimitSwitchPin = 2;
const int ReverseLimitSwitchPin = 3;
const int StepperStepPin = 4;
const int StepperDirectionPin = 5;
const int LimitSwitchActivated = LOW; // Limit switch grounds pin
const int StepperMaxRPM = 100;

Stepper stepper(200, StepperStepPin, StepperDirectionPin);

void setup() {
pinMode(ForwardLimitSwitchPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(ReverseLimitSwitchPin, INPUT_PULLUP);

void loop() {
// Step forward until the limit switch is activated
while (digitalRead(ForwardLimitSwitchPin) != LimitSwitchActivated) {
// Step reverse until the limit switch is activated
while (digitalRead(ReverseLimitSwitchPin) != LimitSwitchActivated) {