Webbino - Server web "dinamico" per Arduino

Non so se ti dica nulla ...
... ho decomennato queste tre righe di degug che ho trovato:

void WebClientWifi::flushBuffer () {
	if (avail > 0) {
		DPRINT (F("Flushing "));
		DPRINT (avail);
		DPRINTLN (F(" bytes to client"));

		// The cast is needed on ESP8266 standalone, byt shouldn't hurt anywhere
		internalClient.write ((const uint8_t *) buf, avail);
		avail = 0;

Ho compilato il SimpleServer e lanciato, come al solito sul browser NON appare nulla, ma monitor seriale porta ti qualche info in più ...

Webbino 0.9.0
Trying to get an IP address through DHCP
FW Version: 1.1.0
Connecting to AP: xxxxxxxxx
Joined AP, local IP address:
DHCP configuration done:
- IP:
- Netmask:
- Default Gateway:
Pages available in flash memory:
0. /index.html
Tags available:
New client
Request for "/index.html"
Flushing 256 bytes to client
Flushing 238 bytes to client
Client disconnected
New client
Request for "/index.html"
Flushing 256 bytes to client
Flushing 238 bytes to client
Client disconnected
New client
Request for "/index.html"
Flushing 256 bytes to client
Flushing 238 bytes to client
Client disconnected
New client
Request for "/index.html"
Flushing 256 bytes to client
Flushing 238 bytes to client
Client disconnected

Nota che io NON ho ricaricato la pagina, ma tu continui a ciclare tra "Client disconnected" e "New client" fino a quando il browser si incavola e chiude lui la sessione ...

Ti dice nulla ?
