PWM frequency library

Hi, thank you so much for your help, I already solve the, I'm traying to manipulate the "frequency" value from the Serial monitor...but I can't make it work, here's the code:
PD: Any help, THANKS!!!

/************************** TEC -2013 **************************

Este sketch es una variacion del PWM_lib_example de la biblioteca PWM,
donde se controla la frecuencia desde el monitor serial del IDE,
dando con ello un poco mas de practicidad, y mayor manejo sobre la
frecuencia deseada.


#include <PWM.h>

int brightness = 0; //how bright the LED is.
int fadeAmount = 5; //how many points to fade the LED by

void setup()
//Inicializa todos los timers del Arduino, excepto el 0, para mantener las funciones de tiempo del micro


void loop()
int32_t frequency;
if (Serial.available())

frequency =;
SetPinFrequency(led, frequency);

pwmWrite(led, brightness);

brightness = brightness + fadeAmount;

if (brightness == 0 || brightness == 255) {
fadeAmount = -fadeAmount ;

