Guide to gyro and accelerometer with Arduino including Kalman filtering

Hi Lauszus,

I'm working with the Quaternion Values getting from the DMP of the MPU6050. i've some problems to get a full 360° Range.
Maybe you have a hint to convert the DMP Quaternion Values to Degrees. Normally the calculation is based on the Sensitivity Scale Factor for both Gyro and Accel. I'm correct?
But i'm getting one fusion Value of the Gyro and Accel. So i don't now how to convert this to a 360° Range ....

Why do you not use the DMP Values like Quaternion?
Is it better to work with raw Vaules and Kalman Filter?

With atan2 i should get the 360°:
mpu.dmpGetQuaternion(&q, fifoBuffer);

but if i move the MPU6050 90° i get on the Serial only 70°

many Thanks!