ESP8266 SPI WiFi Shield ("nice to have")

Library version: 2019-01-27
Hardware: Arduino DUE + Nodemcu 1.0

I tested a little program to Scan the Network.
void setup()
status = WiFiSpi.begin(ssid, pass);
void loop()
int numSsid = WiFiSpi.scanNetworks();

As you can see below if, the name of SSID is more long then the previous,
in the next scan we have the short name filled with the exceeding chars,
in this case "GB".

Opening port
Port open
-- Attempting to connect to WPA SSID: ARDITO21
-- You're connected to the network
IP Address:
MAC: F4:F2:1A:7F:CF:5C
BSSID: 88:74:53:89:26:80
-- Scan Networks
-- number of available networks: 2
0: ARDITO21 Signal: -53 dBm Encryption: 8
1: 3Cube-50GB Signal: -57 dBm Encryption: 4
-- Scan Networks
-- number of available networks: 2
0: ARDITO21GB Signal: -65 dBm Encryption: 8
1: 3Cube-50GB Signal: -57 dBm Encryption: 4
-- Scan Networks
-- number of available networks: 2
0: ARDITO21GB Signal: -66 dBm Encryption: 8
1: 3Cube-50GB Signal: -52 dBm Encryption: 4

In my applications, all use UDP, I have the following sequence:

1- WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA);
2- WiFi.disconnect();
3- ApSsidFound = WiFi.scanNetworks();
select the AP with best signal
4- ApSsidS = WiFi.SSID(ApSsidSelect);
then connect the AP
5- WiFi.config(ApIp, ApGateway, ApSubnet, ApDns);
6- WiFi.begin(ApSsid, ApPassword);
at the end connect UDP
7- UDP.begin(UdpLocalPort)

I was not able to find how to build the same sequence with WiFiSpi.