Is there any TRV module for a arduino!?

Hello I want to control my radiator in the room to control the temperature using a wemos I was wondering if I could have a thermostatic radiator valve module for arduino does this exist?Or is there one that I can control using esp8266 on the wemos instead of Bluetooth?Or can I do something else use something else instead of, TRV I want to use the system frequent so I was suggested to use TRV but I found it expensive (because I have a lot of radiators in my house) and couldn't find a way to control it with my arduino or wemos please guide me Tnx.


Tnx but it does the whole thing by itself I'm just looking for an electric valve for the radiator to control it with pwm pins of arduino.

What do you mean by electric valve?
The terminology is strange.

I'm actually working on something like this.
It's currently a work in progress... It's a typical 9G servo modded so that it can do multiple turns, revolution and limit detection via the wires, a H bridge (actually the one from the servo, just removed the chip and soldered some wires) and a radio module so it can be integrated in my home automation system.
All held together on a 3d printed skeleton. When it's final, it should look way better and have 3 AA or AAA batteries.
I only need 5 for my apartment and the parts are basically free for me (except the servos and my time).

Google Photos

Motorized radiator valves are common and it should not be difficult to get an Arduino to control one of them


What do you mean by electric valve?
The terminology is strange.

I don't mean anything special buy that the valve that you use electricity to control it not with your hand it's called an electric valve here.
Wow that thing looks cool congra for your success but as
Mentioned there are specific valves that do this for you not need to hack a servo for that,in some cases the servos stop working after a while if they get too hot or too much power needed to rotate the valve.
The problem is they are not so common in my country can you give me some information of what you're talking about the modules the schematics the links anything would be appreciated Tnx.

Thank you all.

You can Google motorized radiator valve as well as I can.


I can not find the right thing all I get is temperature sensor available devices called tvr while searching this.this doesn't allow me for communication with arduino it just does everything by itself.

devices called tvr while searching this.

Did you try the search term I suggested?


working on one right now :slight_smile:

OpenTRV imo is dead! they have nothing usable (mechanics) in their github etc.

Main problem is to design drive train that would move the radiator valve pin.

Also this linear actuator motor would do (just needs some 3d printing)

I'm using torque motor with gearbox like his and designing everything else around it myself.

this was my first prototype just to see if that will work :slight_smile: and a bit of mechanics

I'm actually working on something like this.
It's currently a work in progress... It's a typical 9G servo modded so ..

So you are using a ~ leadscrew and not driving the valve pin?