Arduino WordClock

Hi Riva,

After some early matrix wiring "orientation problems", here is a quick video to show you my wordclock matrix.

The base is MDF, CNC machined 20 mm front / 5 mm back holes and since it is 475 x 475 mm I made the electronics independent: i.e.: 1 stripboard for the arduino, 2 stripboards for the MAX7219, 1 stripboard for the rotary encoder and the LDR is directly connected with a three wire cable (I need to see where I am going to place it at the final)
Right now, everything is just wired together and suspended. When I figure how to fix everything to the clock's back, I'll post some pictures.

I had to uncomment the setBrightness function to be able to make the auto-adjustable brightness work. Is there any reason for the function to be disabled in the code? It seems that it is working correctly without any further adjustment...

Working on the translation to see some "meaningful words", I noticed that there are two ways to light up a led:

lc.setRow (0, 0, B01111000)
lc.Setled (0, 1, 2, true)

After some changes I am experiencing some slight flickering when some (already translated) words light up.
When translation, I always used the function: lc.setRow (0, 0, B01111000) as it seemed easier to do the match between the clock face and the code.

Can you explain to me why and when should I use each of these functions?

Thank you