String concatenation for Serial.print

Of course, floating point support for Serial.print() DID get added. In a relatively nonStandard way that is not as powerful as printf(), but is just about as big.

What I really mean is floating point AND standard in/out/err streams... enabled or disabled by the user, via a checkbox in Preferences.

Another thing that you may or may not know is that there are TWO separate "modules" connected with AVR-GCC floating point support.

One handles printf, fprintf, etc... and the other handles scanf, fscanf, etc...

The second one (the scanf support) is a resource hog and (as far as I know) provides very little benefit to the programmer. The first one (printf) adds only about 1.5K to a sketch and is the one most people would probably use.

So, in my Preferences, I have two "floating point" checkboxes... one for printf (which I use all the time) and one for scanf (which I have never used so far).