Library Manager - Adding GitHub hosted lib with multiple .zip releases

What about having a "release orphan branch" with the arduino library (even the 1.5 format)? Would it be possible for the library manager indexer to track just that branch?

There is no way to direct the indexer to a specific branch. It just looks for new tags in the repository and adds any tag that meets the requirements. So you could have a branch that is structured for the Library Manager and then push tags from that branch.

Another option would be to have a dedicated repository for the Arduino library, with the Library Manager compliant structure and then have that repository as a subtree or submodule of a separate repository that contains all the platforms.

The arduino lib checker is great! Thanks!
I was already in need of such a script.

I'm glad if it is of use to you! I do initial triage on all the Library Manager submissions for Arduino. For a long time I would just manually check each repository for compliance but it kept getting more complicated as new requirements were added so eventually I decided it was worthwhile to automate the process. I have found it very useful for my purposes, but am not sure how many other people have used it.