SIM800L module (How to send SMS to the numbers stored on the SIM?)

Hi !! Good day :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I am working on my Capstone project, a Personal Safety Device that has an Alarm, GPS and SMS alert features. I'm new in this Arduino thing so basically had no idea how it works, all I did was to make the most out of Google and YouTube . Luckily enough, after plenty of trial and errors still managed to worked it out little by little.

The device is now capable of sending SMS alert (GPS loc. of the user) to multiple recipients by manually writing them down on my code and do the magic of AT Commands.

Now for my noob questions:

Is there a way to send an SMS alert to the numbers stored on my SIM's Phonebook instead of reading them from the code?
I was thinking if its possible to like save a new number to your SIM, then the device can now send SMS to that "new number".

I already tried looking for answers on Google and searched for YT tutorials yet still failed to find exact answer. :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:
I hope someone read my post and help me out. Thank you :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

PS: I am using SIM800L module, GY-NEO6MV2 GPS Module and Arduino UNO

(The Arduino model was supposed to be Arduino Pro mini but since there's software serial conflict between the two modules, I decided to use Uno instead and changed SS to Altsoftserial and NeoSWSerial. In my thesis documentation it was mentioned that the device is "small and easy to carry" and by using Uno, it now doesn't follow the original plan. I will try my code again on my Pro mini hoping it will work)

PPPS: Threads on this site helped me a lot while working on my project so I wanted to say Thank you guys !! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Is looks like its possible according to the command on this site: GSM AT Commands – Zit Seng's Blog

Unofortunately. I do not have a SIM800L module to try those AT commands. Hopefully you will be able to do that.... :slight_smile:

Hello :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: Thank you for the response. I'll check it out now.

at+cpbw=,"xxxx",129,my_name this will store xxxx into sim card

at+cpbr=1,10 this will read it back