Graphics library for NodeMCU (ESP8266), ESP32 and serial+parallel TFT displays

Does that mean that we cannot use something like this or wouldn't that only be inaccurate?

if ((pt.x>=420) && (pt.x<=480) && (pt.y>=0) && (pt.y<=40)) {

I already created a menu with up down, left right and zoom + - on the right upper side.
The part works, short press brings that menu up, longer press brings up MainMenu.

The commands for Zoom in and zoom out are quite easy to create I think. It requires to grab the currentzoomlevel and do a i++ or i-- for every touch, download that map and display that map.

I was thinking of something like this:

if ((pt.x>=420) && (pt.x<=480) && (pt.y>=0) && (pt.y<=40)) {
if (currentPage == '0'){ 
// Page 0 PanAndZoom, page 1 MainMenu, Page 2  manual update, based on presstime
Serial.println("Zoom IN pressed") ;
currentZoomlevel =  geoMap.getCurrentZoomlevel(); //added in geomap.h
 for (int i =  currentZoomlevel; i++;){ 
  geoMap.downloadMap(mapCenter, i, _downloadCallback);
  geoMap.convertToCoordinates({MAP_WIDTH, MAP_HEIGHT});
  tft.fillRect(0, geoMap.getMapHeight(), tft.width(), tft.height() - geoMap.getMapHeight(), TFT_BLACK);

You can find the (probably not compiling version due to missing brackets to close the loop) code here