Nextion 7 inch DIsplay - file gets to large

Sorry for the late reply, but I had to do research on why the pictures become so big in file size when you import them on Nextion.

The accepted picture types to import are *.jpg, *.png, non animated *.gif and *.bmp files.

When importing a picture, the picture is converted into the 565 16 bit color format used by Nextion.

In Basic and Enhanced models: Nextion is not a graphics card, as such transparency and in picture animation is not supported.

In native 16-bit color, picture, resources consume 16 bits per pixel, or width x height x 2 bytes.

In Intelligent models: Nextion now supports transparency and image compression allowing more picture resources for the same space, the 2 bytes per pixel formula does not apply.

Also, I wanted to see if this was true, so I tested it to prove it.

For Basic and Enhanced models:

Resolution .tft file size format/image size imported image size .tft after import
480x320: 277 KB .png / 196 KB 307,224 B 605,536 B
480x320: 277 KB .jpg / 12 KB 307,224 B 605,536 B

800x480: 277 KB .png / 351 KB 768,024 B 1064,288 B
800x480: 277 KB .jpg / 22 KB 768,024 B 1064,288 B

And for Intelligent models:

Resolution .tft file size format/image size imported image size .tft after import
800x480: 538 KB .png / 351 KB 138,919 B 669,980 B
800x480: 538 KB .jpg / 22 KB 88,630 B 669,980 B

Basic and Enhanced models no matter the picture format and size, the final size of the imported image, will be the same, following the rule: width x height x 2 bytes. For example: 8004802=768,000B.

For the Intelligent models, the file format does not matter again, as the final .tft file size will be the same, following Nextion's image compression.

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