IR transmission

Hey everybody,
I have a problem with sending IR code with my arduino.
I had got the code that I want to transmit via the IR sensor - vs1838b.
Now I want to send the same code/number that i had got.
To do this i had wrote this following code:

#include <IRremote.h>

IRsend irsend ;

void setup()
pinMode(3, OUTPUT);
void loop()
irsend.sendNEC(2800112845, 32);

The circuit work very well, the current pushed by transistor.
At the camera i saw the signal... but its not turn on/off the thing that I want.
thanks for the assistance !

Add a delay(1000) to the loop function. The existing code is transmitting the same code very fast so it might be confusing the device.

Use unsigned long literals to make sure the IR codes are not truncated. The UL at the end of the hex digits forces the literal to type unsigned long.

  irsend.sendNEC(0xDEADBEEFUL, 32);

Add a delay(1000) to the loop function. The existing code is transmitting the same code very fast so it might be confusing the device.

Use unsigned long literals to make sure the IR codes are not truncated. The UL at the end of the hex digits forces the literal to type unsigned long.

  irsend.sendNEC(0xDEADBEEFUL, 32);

Thank you !
i will try it