MSGEQ7 not reacting to Audio

Again we need to see a schematic, but on the face of it that is not how you dim LEDs in a strip. If you were to design such a circuit the transistor would burn up if you had a large number of LEDs.

So how many LEDs?
Schematic about how you want to control them please.

Normally you dim a strip by applying PWM to a transistor or FET.

My apologies, I didn't have a schematic, so I created one on both Fritzing for a visual picture of what I'm doing and other software to show you the schematic.

Fritzing Screenshot:

Schematic Screenshot:

(Created on PartSim, didn't have time to use software like LTSpice)
P.S: The ground to the right, labeled PWM 11, is not a ground pin but the PWM 11 pin on the Arduino. PartSim wouldn't allow me to create a wire without leading it somewhere.

This schematic works in dimming the lights, but it seems to be dimming the lights only when the numbers on the MSGEQ7 spike. Currently, that's the inverse of my goal. I wish for the lights to stay at a certain dimness, and spike when the numbers on the MSGEQ7 spike. Is this something fixable with the code? (I would assume so, but just making sure) Or does the goal require a circuit change?

The product link:
Amazon Link

I couldn't find the datasheet for that specific RGB strip, but I found a datasheet that includes the schematic of the RGB strips. Let me know if this provides what you need.

Just to clear any confusion, I'd like to restate my goal.

Currently, the function of the LED strip is to drop in brightness if the MSGEQ7 spikes. This means that if no music is playing, the LEDs are on. If music is playing, the LEDs are indeed pulsing, but they are dimming to the spikes, not becoming brighter due to the spikes.

My intended function includes:
I want to have the LEDs idle at a certain brightness if no music is playing. Once the music is playing, I want the LEDs to become dim. Note, this is not the same brightness as if no music were playing. Once the LEDs become dimmer, I want that dimness to act as a sort of baseline for when the music becomes "quiet" in-between songs, if there's no beat going on, etc. Once the MSGEQ7 begins to spike, I want the lights to get brighter.

I apologize if I'm over-explaining this.
Here's a video of a project with similar desired functions:
Youtube Link
The beat detection isn't as smooth as I'd like it to be, but the same logic is applied. Beat spikes, so does brightness.

If you have any other questions let me know, I'd be glad to answer them.

Furthermore, I'd like to say thank-you for your help thus far.
