NewPing Library: HC-SR04, SRF05, SRF06, DYP-ME007, Parallax PING))) - v1.7

When I first tried the example sketches, I printed every single piece of code I found could be handy to work with, the objects in the array cm [0] and cm [1] where the variables I found most important (all other I just couldn't print), but, again I couldn't do much with them as I have poor code skills, I was looking for some piece of code that could convert whatever I was looking at to something I could do some math with , later I found I was merging the results into one, so I decided I needed to divide the result by two. Ok, not a smart decision, I know...

And with your sketch, I did came to similar results as yours before, and what happens is, when something approaches to the sensor, it turns on, but never turns off, therefore, there's no 0 coming out when there's no activity. I thought this was a good approuch to achieve my goal, which is, when there's activity on the sensor, turn on, else, turn off


Without totally writing the sketch for you (what fun would that be?) I can suggest that you start again with the standard 15 sensor sample sketch that puts the results in an array. Then, analyze the results in the array and decide what you want to do with the data. The distance variables are simply cm[0] and cm[1]. You wouldn't want to add them and divide by two, as that would not give accurate results. Instead, you would need some better logic. For example, maybe one OR the other needs to be a positive value to consider something in range. So, you would do something like:

void oneSensorCycle() { // Sensor ping cycle complete, do something with the results.
  // The following code would be replaced with your code that does something with the ping results.
  if (cm[0] || cm[1]) {  // At least one sensor detected something in range, activate relays.
    digitalWrite (RELE1, HIGH);
    digitalWrite (RELE2, HIGH);
  } else {  // Both sensors can't detect anything, turn relays off.
    digitalWrite (RELE1, LOW);
    digitalWrite (RELE2, LOW);

Hope that helps!
