Servo moves/ sweeps fine but hangs when asked to move more than 10 degrees

Great ideas slipstick, thank you for your comment and your time !

Why didn't I think of that, I was already thinking of a "work around" seeing that it follows the analog reading just fine with 10 degree increments, making it go to X or Y range in a step by step manner somehow mapping it via software, but I should first try and modify the code and see if my increments are wider if it also becomes unresponsive guessing yes since it would act as basically a different write.

I could also try to cobble up something to measure the actual current and figure out if its indeed power related, (If you watch my video my Fluke Clamp meter was on the desk because I was basically analizing / observing current usage) although judging by the actual jittering and noise it makes, it is quite likely that the current would go up in order to try and somehow free the servo from that "virtual stall" it apparently is, on my bench power supply which is probably not the best and most accurate I did see that during the "virtual stalls" current went up significantly e.g, 1.3A or 1.5A but I took it with a grain of salt since that doesn't necessarily mean that the power source is the issue, it could also mean that the servo is somewhat completely lost in limbo not knowing where it is and where it should go, or did I get it wrong? otherwise my bench power supply is more than capable of providing more than 1.5A... The actual servo didn't draw it/required it. Sealed acid battery used is also more than capable of providing more than the required power and yet still observed same erratic behavior

I have also played around extensively with delay and it does the same thing (from 5 all the way to 8000)

I have also considered all the many variables that this issue could involve, and it is pretty hard in and on itself to try and describe the weird behavior of this servo, so I tried to be as thorough as I possibly could, but I have also recorded a video describing it, and uploaded it to youtube, maybe someone observed this issue before or saw it first hand and is able to give me a hand.

To vince, thank you as well for your time... In the actual video I uploaded you can get a graphical example and representation as well as seeing the actual behavior in real life, if its not too much trouble I would appreciate it if you could take a look at it.

I also understand why you might want to see the code, so I made sure and tried this attached one beforehand and used it when recording the video the knob example is the same one that comes by default in the Arduino IDE I have also used pin9 so I did not modify/nor touch any of its code therefore there is no reason for me to upload it.

#include <Servo.h>                    //Including the servo Library

int pos = 0;                          // Variable to store the servo position
int servoPin = 9;                     // Servo is hooked to pin 9
int servoDelay = 25;                  // 25 millisecond delay after each servo write

Servo Servotest;                      // Creating the servo object.

void setup()
  Servotest.attach(servoPin);         // Attaches the servo to pin servoPin, which should be pin 9

void loop() {

  Serial.println("Where would you like the Servotest? "); //prompt me for position
  while (Serial.available() == 0) {   //wait for my input

  pos = Serial.parseInt();            //read input into position

    Servotest.write(pos);             //set servo position to pos
    delay(servoDelay);                // waits 15ms for the servo to reach the position, played around a lot with this value slipstick.

I will also upload the circuit as well and provide a picture of the setup for those not caring enough or not wanting to sit trough the vid.

Video is up - YouTube
