SD examples and chip select definition


That all makes sense, but why can't I use pin 10?

Here's a piece of code from sd2Card.h in the SD library:

/* SD Chip Select pin
 * Warning if this pin is redefined the hardware SS will pin will be enabled
 * as an output by init().  An avr processor will not function as an SPI
 * master unless SS is set to output mode.
/** The default chip select pin for the SD card is SS. */
uint8_t const  SD_CHIP_SELECT_PIN = SS_PIN;

I read this to say pin 53 on MEGA doubles as SS and CS, unless SD_CHIP_SELECT_PIN is redefined

I'm using Sparkfun microSD with and following:

#define CS_pin 8 
if (!SD.begin(CS_pin)){
        Serial << "[SD init FAILED]\n";
        SD_OK = false;
        lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print("[SD init FAILED]"); delay(2000);} 
  else {root ="/"); Serial << "[SD OK]\n"; printDirectory(root, 0);}

(note my term CS_pin is not SD_CHIP_SELECT_PIN)

I assume pin 53 is "the hardware SS" and cannot be changed on a MEGA.
I've tested with and without following in my code and it makes no difference to SD functionality

# define SS_pin 53
pinMode(SS_pin, OUTPUT);

and either way pin 10 seems to be unavailable for other non-SD tasks.
(again my term SS_pin does not override SS_PIN in the library)

Now I don't bother making pin 53 an output, because it seems to be done for me.

Still not quite adding up!