Kinematics and reverse kinematics lib for 6-7 DOF robot arms

It will still be on GitHub, but maybe with a different name. I think that you should start with a much simpler robotic arm and use my other library to get a hang of what is going on. I think going straight for 6DOF manipulators is a bit too ambitious given that you don't know how to perceive the concept of Denavit-Hardenberg. My other library is tailored for people with no knowledge in the field, so they can get to controlling their robotic arm right away. Who knows, maybe you can still use it for a 6DOF manipulator with some modifications or smart use of the library?

I will continue with working on this library, but I cannot guarantee it will be near as fast as other libraries out there.

I have updated my other library with possibilities for a rotating base and adjustment of gripper offset.