DuinOS: Small and Simple OS based on FreeRTOS


I'm new in the arduino community ! I'm working on a project and am trying to use DuinOS. The version i'm using is the v0.3(svn) with the "board-test.txt" file in order to use the OS with the arduino UNO board.
Until now, all seems to run fine : I'm running 4 tasks using mutex and it works like a charm. Yet, i have experienced some issues using the "Serial" feature. This problem is the same that the one I read in the old topic (can't use print/println with numerics, but just with strings).
I'd like to know if this is still a known bug or if I missed something ?


Sorry, problem solved by replacing the configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE to 200
I changed the following lines in the DuinOS.h :

#define createTaskLoop(name, priority)\
	xTaskCreate(name##_Task, (signed portCHAR *) #name, configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, priority, &name);\


#define createTaskLoop(name, priority)\
	xTaskCreate(name##_Task, (signed portCHAR *) #name, 200, NULL, priority, &name);\