ChipKit uC32

Hey Bill, thanks for all the info. I wasn't sure if anyone would respond over here, but I specifically
wanted some feedback from people living in the Arduino world, :-).

I did start looking at the chipkit forum yesterday, and will definitely look at the idea of using the
regular Arduino IDE for the chipkit, I hadn't even imagined it could be done. I'll look at your comments
over there, and respond there with any specific questions, so as to spare the guys here. I realized
that mpide 0023 was compatible with the older Arduino IDE rather than the 1.0 changes, and that
I'd need to check the IDE libraries source for AVR-register calls.

But it was really nice that I didn't have to spend a week messing around with the development
environment just to get a simple sketch to work, more like 5-minutes.

Just one question, did you find a way to do a verbose build with mpide, so you could watch the
download in progress? I tried adding the build.verbose=true statement to preferences.txt but it
didn't do anything [yes, I closed preferences.txt after exiting the IDE].

Again, thanks for your reply. I have a rather large program for my robot on the Duemilanove
where I ran out of program/RAM space that I want to transfer to a larger cpu.