Suggested addition to "Preferences"

Hi all ,

My suggestion is to add an option to the "Preferences" dropdown which has a checkbox "Enable Floating Point Support" which would either add (or not) the floating point versions of printf and scanf to the compiler line.

The code consists of merely adding the option object and text to the editor preferences, and code like this:

            Preferences.getBoolean ("build.floating_point") ?
            "-Wl,-u,vfscanf,-lscanf_flt,-u,vfprintf,-lprintf_flt,--gc-sections" + optRelax :
            "-Wl,--gc-sections" + optRelax,

to the Compiler java code.

Believe it or not, there are people who WOULD like this option and would rather use the standard "%f" formatting method rather than the dtosrtf kludge and it's less-than-friendly syntax.

Yes I know it can be manually added to configuration of the newer IDE, but why not make such a popular option a checkbox RIGHT IN PREFERENCES???

C'mon developers... it's like 15 lines of code...